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  1. B

    LMS/Squeezelite Support Mini

    Thanks very much all. I did adjust as per @Brantome and left everything else as is. I am extremely happy to report that everything has worked with the UPnP/DLNA Bridge plug-in and I can now control the Mini as a LMS client using my iPhone 11! 😊 Please let me know if you need more details...
  2. B

    LMS/Squeezelite Support Mini

    Thanks so much! 👍 I have done all that, and am now heading for bed: it is 2230 here in Adelaide! I will have a look tomorrow to see what has transpired!
  3. B

    LMS/Squeezelite Support Mini

    Also, @Brantome (apologies for the earlier misspelling!), where do I change the output resolution? As I mentioned, I am new at this business!
  4. B

    LMS/Squeezelite Support Mini

    About selecting the binary, there are two options available to me: 1) squeeze2upnp.exe and 2) squeeze2upnp-static.exe Apparently, it depends on the "machine's architecture": how do I determine this, please?
  5. B

    LMS/Squeezelite Support Mini

    I am very sorry if I inadvertently misled you. Thanks for the extra advice! Now to give it a go!
  6. B

    LMS/Squeezelite Support Mini

    Thanks @Branthome, but I did not say anything about a Roon link! I was enquiring about using the WiiM Mini with Squeezelite. It seems that I just need to add the UPNPBridge plugin. Am about to give this a go! It looks from the info provided by @philippe44 that I need to use the Full...
  7. B

    LMS/Squeezelite Support Mini

    Hello. I am very new here. Having been a Squeezebox user for some years, my hardware failed and I looked around for an alternative. The WiiM seemed an excellent option and I went for a Mini, having misread the stuff which said LMS was usable, not picking up the “not on the Mini” nuance! 🥲 I did...