HDMI input auto-sense removes Amp from multi-room group and it never goes back


Nov 25, 2022
I have my WiiM Amp connected to an LG via HDMI. I also have this Amp as a member of a multi-room group, with a WiiM Pro named “House Speakers” as the head of the group (for lack of a better term) and a few minis as members as well. The Amp’s auto-sense works to change to the HDMI input when I, say, start something on Netflix. The Amp removes itself from the group, which is fine. If it were part of a group, the delay makes the audio:video synch totally unwatchable. (I understand buffering and transcoding/packetizing introduces a delay - no problem).
But the issue that really is a deal-breaker is that the Amp will not re-join House Speakers again automatically after any length of time after I stop watching TV. I have only been able to go into the Wiim app and add it back to the group to repair my multi-room music setup. This might seem insignificant, but I had just gotten my Echos, WiiMs, and streaming subscriptions to work close to perfectly all just by asking Alexa to play X to Y. I almost never open the app. But now, if anyone has watched TV, the best speakers in the house are silent for any music streaming.
If it matters, for several reasons the House Speakers WiiM needs to be the head of the multi-room group.
Am I missing a setting in the Amp or the Pro that will allow the Amp to re-join the group after a certain amount of no HDMI input? If this is not possible I’m afraid the Amp will go back.
The roadmap post has an entry:
  • Persistent group for multiple devices
Apparently, being actively worked on.

It’s not clear from what you say whether you are talking about a Linkplay group or an Alexa multi room music group. Talk of a “head” for the group would suggest Linkplay, but later on you mention echos where there isn’t the notion of “head of a group”. Which grouping is being upset by use of hdmi?
The roadmap post has an entry:
  • Persistent group for multiple devices
Apparently, being actively worked on.

Thank you, Mr Ee, for that info and for posting the roadmap link. I hadn’t seen that since they removed the link from the homepage.
I did some more digging in forums and tickets, and I’m not certain what is meant by “persistent group”. I’m starting to think they’re talking about pre-defined device groups similar to Chromecast. I opened a ticket with WiiM to clarify. They didn’t really answer my question, but they did say they would take my request to rejoin a group after HDMI inactivity under consideration. I guess we will see what they mean at some point.

However, in another thread user RSF posted this very helpful API command, which is outside of the published HTTP API doc:
https://<sub player IP>/httpapi.asp?command=ConnectMasterAp:JoinGroupMaster:eth<group leader player IP>
Using getStatusEx to check the “group” for a “0” (probably not totally necessary) and then that ConnectMasterAP command I made a simple cron job to join the Amp back to the Pro (GroupMaster). Since I typically listen to music all through the day and watch TV at night, I run this job at 3am every morning and wake up to my Linkplay groups the way I want them before I start the coffee. :) It’s admittedly crude and a long way from perfect, but for my use case it’s actually a whole lot better than nothing. So I wanted to post-it-forward if you will for anybody else who might have this issue and before WiiM may or may not build a better solution. Thanks again!