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  1. cooky560

    Question about the WiiM trigger

    Does the trigger send a 12v output constantly while music is playing, or is it more of a "one burst for on, one burst for off" type operation?
  2. cooky560

    Stupid question, help would be really appreciated!

    I have both a Wiim Amp and a Wiim Pro Plus. The Amp is connected to my bedroom system, the pro plus to my main hifi. Can I send the stream to both wiim devices at the same time, and if so, how?
  3. cooky560

    Cannot use spotify connect following firmware update

    As post says, it was fine until I installed the latest firmware, now neither google cast, spotify connect or tidal connect work. Have tried rebooting the device, haven't seen if it also affects my wiim amp, only the pro plus so far
  4. cooky560

    Use inputs as presets

    It would be nice if I could set inputs as presents, so that rather than toggling "source" several times, I can just press 4 on the remote for my turntable, for example. Auto mode doesn't work for my purposes as my phono stage seems to always make the amp think there's a signal on the line in.