Qobuz Connect - Anybody Heard Any Updates

Plus do they even support Qobuz on their kit currently?
I do not think that HEOS supports Qobuz. Coincidentally, there is a new version of HEOS available now that modernises the look of the app (not before time).
If they have Elon musk fortune, this project will be done at break neck speed as he has resource to produce necessary things to get things done to meet the demand of his customer. Yes, it’s small company so it’s understandable.
I do not think that HEOS supports Qobuz. Coincidentally, there is a new version of HEOS available now that modernises the look of the app (not before time).
Can confirm that Heos does not integrate Qobuz. Just looked at the new App, thanks for the hint. I like the idea of the Dashboard - but Tidal integration looks still ugly as hell to me without being changed.
From the audiophilestyle Qobuz thread, looks like Denon / Marantz may have their nose in front: David Craff has just said “this is probably the most important brand for Qobuz and this project, so we're working closely with them to get it done as quickly as possible.”
That’s interesting as they don’t have it in Heos or support Tidal Connect either. Heos as an app is awful but I use Roon to it on my Model 40n using a community extension based on the old LMS2UPnP plugin. He’s added lots of Heos mulitroom stuff to it as well.
I do not think that HEOS supports Qobuz. Coincidentally, there is a new version of HEOS available now that modernises the look of the app (not before time).
Yeah I got rid of my Heos Link HS2 as it didn't support lossless casting from the Amazon Music app and Alexa, plus I couldn't actually talk about the Heos app without including the word execrable…
Oddly update Heos today and this showed up in Roon. Many other Marantz and Denon users reporting similar for their different amps and Heos Speakers. Somethings a foot or a big cock up. Big news though as this is a major player to add to come on board.


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