Question about the AV possibilities of the wiimamp

wiimamp user

Major Contributor
Jan 12, 2024
I have maybe some strange questions about the wiimamp...

What are you,re experiences when using the Wiimamp on the tv? In combination with a subwoofer how does it sound when watching a movie on the different streaming services such as Neflix.?

Hope you can help me with other questions that is related to this topic. Maybe a strange question but still i hope you can help me..:

I i watch movies i have a Bose 321 GS series 3 speaker set up. As center speaker i use a soundbar connected via HDMI ARC.
The Bose system is connected to my mediaplayer to optical input. I use my remote with the BOSE system the adjust the volume and power the system on off..
For multimedia purposes such as watching movies this set up is a major advantage to the speakers on my tv as you can imagine.
It all makes it a lot better because of the subwoofer and both tweeter speakers of the Bose 321GS series 3 system, including my soundbar.

My 2nd question on this is if the WIIMAMP is also good for watching movies and so on or should i keep the bose for this purposes?
My plan was to sell the Bose and use the WIIMAMP for music of course but also for watching movies.
The only thing is i still have to buy a good subwoofer but im willing to invest in a good one.
The subwoofer set up for such a Bose system is very easy..lets say its plug and play according to the wiring and the set up is also very simpel.

The 3d question is about the subwoofer. Because as i did understand with the WIIMAMP you will have to set up the subwoofer is such a manner that you can,t determine where the sub plays in you,re system. It has to be in line with each other so to say.
I have to set up the cross over accordingly and so on to do this..
Ok ..i can ask you questions about it when a bought my new subwoofer but when i done it all right how does this sound when watching movies?

What is the best way to connect the WIIMAMP?
As i said the bose system is connected via Optical..( mediaplayer optical out/ Bose 321GS optical in).
I know when i use ARC i can power off, on the WIIMAMP but are there other advantages on the sound spectrum in these manner?

With the Bose you have when you watch an tv broadcasting 2.0 PCM sound, but when you switch to Neflix the system indicates you are watching now with Dolby 5.1.
How this is possible i have now clue... but the system indicates this..maybe for Bose there is with these 3 speakers a 5.1 sound possible? I don,t know. But it sounds better dan the 2.0 PCM i must say.
Can the WIIMAMP produce a simular sound to such an video experience as a bose system with PCM in combination with a subwoofer? As i understand the WIIMAMP has no dolby only PCM option.

If so what is the best way to connect the WIIMAMP then? The same as i connected everyting with the Bose set up?
Because when im going to use the HDMI ARC i cant use the soundbar other than to optical outpot with my mediaplayer to the soundbar.
What i,m planning to do is: Optical out from my mediaplayer to the WIIMAMP and then i can still use the soundbar(Connected via HDMI ARC) as a center speaker so to say. Or the other way... the WIIMAMP connecting through HDMI ARC and the soundbar on optical? My tv has no optical out only RCA. The mediaplayer has an optical out.

Lots of questions..:D:D:sneaky::rolleyes: i know but im hoping somebody can help me a little bit with this.. any help is appreciated..
You seem to be asking pretty much the same questions in a number of other posts!

Fundamentally, the wiim amp is not an AV - it is a two channel, stereo device.
Anything you send it, via optical or hdmi, will need to be 2 channel pcm.

Yes, you can attach a subwoofer to it, but it won't be getting the ".1" part of any 5.1 signal as it doesn't accept 5.1
Your bose seems to accept 5.1 over optical, but it seems it basically converts this to 2.1

If I've understood you correctly, you have a media player (not the bose itself) that sends video and sound to the tv via hdmi and also sound to the bose system via optical. The soundbar gets its sound from the tv hdmi arc.
It therefore seems to me that your soundbar 'centre' channel is likely getting the full audio, the 2 bose speakers are getting the "5" part of 5.1 and the bose subwoofer is getting the ".1" part.

If you were to use the wiim amp then the 5.1 audio would need to be converted to 2.0 either by the media player or the tv, depending on what you connect the amp to.
In this case whatever speakers / subwoofer you connect to the amp will get the full audio, although you could use the subwoofer settings in the wiim app to send the really low frequency stuff to just the subwoofer and the higher stuff to just the speakers.

Do you ever watch the tv directly?
From this "With the Bose you have when you watch an tv broadcasting 2.0 PCM sound..." it seems yes, but if I understood above correctly then I don't see how the tv sound gets to the bose system if the tv's only outgoing connection is hdmi to the centre speaker...

Anyway, i'd probably forgo the centre speaker, if what I suspect about it currently playing all the audio is true, connect the amp to the tv hdmi arc, and set the tv's hdmi output to be 2 channel pcm.
You may find this helps with better stereo separation, as there's nothing in the centre playing all the audio, and the subwoofer can rumble away whenever anything 'low' happens.

I don't know if that helps at all, or if I've completely misunderstood your setup!
Fundamentally, a decent 2.0 system (with sub) should still give a fairly good movie experience, and provide a reasonable 'phantom' centre speaker.
Yes, it's a real (or is it just a phantom?) thing. Google it ;)
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As an anecdote, you can see my 'pro2' signature line is connected to a 2 channel Marantz amp.
I have a chromecast (video) plugged into a tv's hdmi port, the tv optical out set to 2 channel pcm, and the tv optical out going into that amp.
Due to the room size and layout the Krix floorstanders are in the corners. No subwoofer.
Movies in that room still pack a significant punch, and the phantom centre channel / dialog is nice and clear.
Thank you so much for you,re help i highy appreciate this.
You are right the soundbar is in practict not really a center speaker. But i use it in combination with the Bose 321GS( series 3). Makes it even_ in my opinion_ a better experiece watching movies.

The Bose system provides for movies of just watching tv a decent experience as you can imagine using the 2 little speakers and the subwoofer( akustimas system).

If i watch a tv broadcasting the main device says in the display ( PCM 2.0) when im watching Neflix Dobly 5.1. In practice it can,t be 5.1 since im using only 3 speakers on the Bose( 2 litte tweaker speakers and 1 Subwoofer unit).
Dont know if there is any diffence though between PCM and Dolby.?
But a 5.1 experience it can,t be but i must say for video watching its good. Ofcouse way more better than a soundbar of the speakers from tv only. But it depends on the other hand what soundbar you,re using.

I think i am going to connect te WIIMAMP to the HDMI arc. Maybe i will connect the soundbar to the optical outpot of my mediaplayer( mibox). Indeed the mibox is now connected to the BOSE 321 GS( 3). The mibox has an optical out option.

Then im going to save some money for a good subwoofer. I have to expand my knowledge about subwoofer set up the how to set it up properly.
I assume watching netlix will give me an simular experience with the WIIMP ..the subwoofer track for movies is a seperate recording so you will get the boom when needed i assume.
If i can sell the bose i can use that money to invest in a new subwoofer.

Again thank you very much for you,re help.
As an anecdote, you can see my 'pro2' signature line is connected to a 2 channel Marantz amp.
I have a chromecast (video) plugged into a tv's hdmi port, the tv optical out set to 2 channel pcm, and the tv optical out going into that amp.
Due to the room size and layout the Krix floorstanders are in the corners. No subwoofer.
Movies in that room still pack a significant punch, and the phantom centre channel / dialog is nice and clear.
Thank you so much this helps me a lot.
I gonna set it op this way.
I going to sell the bose then i think i can sell it for a decent price..this i can invest in a good subwoofer.
Highy appreciate you,re help!