
If you want to favorite a playlist in Qobuz in WHA and you press subscribe the message displayed has incorrect grammar … it displays “ 1980s has been subscription” . Watch these mistakes … @WiiM Support
There are plenty of grammatical mistakes in the app, but they do make me chuckle. ;)
Yes.. but they need to be addressed because what this “communicates” is not attention to detail and sloppiness
Or just English as a 2nd language.
But yes, it would be nice....

I've not read the manuals, what are they like? :ROFLMAO:
Well, I was just relaying what Qobuz themselves said on their semi-official support thread on audiophilestyle…
David Craff's most recent message was a bit more circumspect about the timeline for rolling out Qobuz Connect. I almost wish Harman would acquire Qobuz and infuse them with the engineering grunt required to get Connect and some other functionality out the door.

Just kidding. Sort of.