The end of my discovery…. Please read


Senior Member
Nov 5, 2023
Why are so many obsessed with high res audio? Don’t get me wrong I was one of them. I read countless reviews on DACs and getting the “best” audio I could. I stream Apple Music/Classical via Airplay 2 to my Wiim Pro Plus. Goes to my Willsenton r8 tube amp then on to my Denton 85th anniversary speakers. Sounds amazing. And yes it’s not high res it’s 16/44.1 cd quality audio. From articles I’ve read cd quality audio covers the entire range of human hearing. Our ears aren’t capable of hearing high res frequencies. 999 people out of a 1000 can’t hear the difference. I still have a Qobuz subscription that doesn’t expire for another week or so. So I did some experimenting with my and my wife’s ears. We switched back and forth from Qobuz and Apple Music playing Pat Metheny’s latest album. Audio quality on Qobuz was 24/96 Apple Music was 16/44.1. She nor I could tell any difference. My wife is no audiophile by any means or am I but she said why pay for something your ears can’t hear. And I kind of agreed with her. Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying I’m right or better than anyone at all. Music and audio systems are a wonderful world/hobby to be in. To each their own. Your money your choice. Basically what I’m rambling about is that I’m happy with what my 52 year old ears can actually hear. Thank you for reading. Listen on.
I did not follow this Airplay 2 drama (what John Darko brought to many users) intensive enough to say if it is really CD quality what one gets. But the rest of your post made my day!
Good thread and I’m getting to your stage rapidly. Been thinking along those lines for some time - feeling that my ears aren’t really golden and wonder if they ever have been. I’ve enjoyed every new toy I’ve had, Naim pre/power, Sonus Faber, Rega, dacs and whilst I’m listening to music I’m enjoying it all! So nice to meet others in the same boat. Cheers.
I agree 100%
I record a lot of Vinyl to FLAC.
I recently upgraded my ADC from a cheap and cheerful Behriger UCA202 to its big brother a UMC204HD which is capable of 24/192.
As a rule I am now needledropping to 24/96 FLAC these days and they definitely do sound better than the 16/44.1 versions I did with the UCA202.
However I do not think it is anything to do with the Hi-Res nature of the new FLACs - instead it is simply because the equipment I am using is better. I recently compared a 16/44.1 from the UMC204HD and it actually sounds the same as a 24/96 from this same ADC.
My target in earlier days was to get the best out of vinyl. Then times changed and I swapped to CD, as many did. (Today I have to buy one or another vinyl what I once gave away back for severe money.)
CD or call it RedBook is still my go to quality. Even in streaming. If your equipment is good enough to bring the best out of 44,1/16 you are nearer to stereo heaven than with 192 on the display feeding bad equipment. Sometimes I have the impression that so many "audiophiles" are not even able to tell me what resolution and bit depth mean and how the numbers reckon.
999 people out of a 1000 can’t hear the difference.

I went from being 100% deaf to hearing via a cochlear implant. I confess to chasing the perfect sound but like Bozzz have accepted the vastly improved quality I am hearing via my vastly overfunctioning imagination.

For anyone interested - end user experiences are shared via this NYTIMES video
Between Sound and Silence
I have a lot of experience in various psychological disciplines, hypnosis being one of them. It can have profound and long lasting beneficial effects and has done for millions of people. One of the founding principles of hypnotic science is suggestibility. As a practitioner who utilises it to help people, I have been fighting it in my hifi personal life. Not much success I hate to admit judging from all my interconnects, cables and equipment. LOL!
I have a lot of experience in various psychological disciplines, hypnosis being one of them. It can have profound and long lasting beneficial effects and has done for millions of people. One of the founding principles of hypnotic science is suggestibility. As a practitioner who utilises it to help people, I have been fighting it in my hifi personal life. Not much success I hate to admit judging from all my interconnects, cables and equipment. LOL!
Alas I can relate. I upgraded my power cable for my amp and also upgraded some rca cables. Throwing that out there for full disclosure lol
I went from being 100% deaf to hearing via a cochlear implant. I confess to chasing the perfect sound but like Bozzz have accepted the vastly improved quality I am hearing via my vastly overfunctioning imagination.

For anyone interested - end user experiences are shared via this NYTIMES video
Between Sound and Silence
Can’t get that page to load, plus it’s likely behind a paywall.

This was an interesting article and video I came across a few weeks back - certainly food for thought.

Freunde, genau meine Meinung. Nur die Musik entscheidet. Sie soll so gut klingen wie es nur irgendwie geht. Aber für viele ist nur entscheidend was ein Datenblatt aussagt. Ich konnte zusammen mit Freunden einen kleinen Test zwischen dem Pro, dem Pro+, sowie reinen CD Aufnahmen machen. Gut, wird keinem echten Test standhalten, aber…. wir konnten keinen Unterschied hören. Und jetzt ist CD Qualität doch soooo schlecht. Ich frage mich, wie haben wir denn früher Musik gehört und waren sehr glücklich dabei.
If we are all of a certain age... we killed our hearing going to clubs, concerts, and decibel testing music loud enough in our rooms to get a response from our parents. My "golden ears" now need a tin horn to direct sound to them. Though i'd be interested in shoxx headphones using bone conduction.