Is the WiiM mini right for the application?


New member
Mar 13, 2024
Looking to take a fire department scanner and plug it in to the aux in jack for the WiiM Mini, then play over several amazon echo dot speakers throughout our training facility so that we have background noises and distractions during training.

Is that possible with only one WiiM mini, or does every echo dot require its own mini?

From what I have read and seen, it should work but I don't seem to have an output option to WiFi / Alexa in the WiiM app.

I have the WiiM app, connected it to Amazon Alexa App, have some Grouped Speakers - not sure if I should group the mini in with them or not? Everything updated firmware and app versions today.

I feel like I am just missing one simple step somehow, and can't seem to find anything in the forums or YouTube to help make sure it's right.

Maybe one of the other WiiM products is better? Or must I have an AirPlay speaker? Really thought this was the right solution and could just be I am missing something simple. Thanks!
Does WiiM Mini support Alexacast? It not a WiiM Pro should do it.
You can’t take an external source and distribute it to a group of echos, you’d need a USA based Echo Link (or Link Amp) to do what Amazon term “line in redistribution”

You could do it with a group of WiiM devices in a Linkplay group