Qobuz 192/24

I didn't find that in my quick google search!
It's also possible that it will support 192 over optical but specs say not so that when it doesn't work consistently they can say it's not officially supported.
My amp says 96 max over optical, but 192 works, for this very reason!
Okay I'll do the test with the optical input.
The technical specifications of the screenshot can be found in the manual of the dac 100
But in anyway you should be able also with coax...🧐

That's right 😅
However I did the test with the optical cable and it works at 192/24 with no problems 👍
I did one last test with coaxial by reversing the dac port, but nothing....
So the conclusion is that it does not depend on the wifi network, but that the coaxial out port of the Wiim Pro is not working.
How do you claim warranty service?
Do you have any other dac you can test coax with?
AV receiver, for example?
However, the coaxial ports on the magic dac work because I have tried them connected to a CD player and I don't have any problem